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Chin Up

There are different ways and techniques used for Chin up, because there's overhand grip and underhand grip. Most of us will find the underhand grip easier, as it's using more of our bicep strength to pull us up. While there will be some people, with the gift of using overhand grip, which emphasize more of their 'longhead' bicep muscle. So i shall be sharing with u, both training methods of Overhand grip and Underhand grip.

Overhand grip
Overhand grip can be trained, via our biceps, shoulders as well as upper back muscles. I will be sharing the very basics here, and everybody should be able to do it.

For those whom cant do even 1 (zero fighters), start out by doing push ups, lots of them! U need not be doing 100 at one shot, instead u can break them up into sets of 20, doing them throughout the whole day and everyday. For one who has never do push ups in their life before, that's a HUGE challenge for them! Push ups has to be the standard ones, not like having sex, keep pushing forward, or doing half hearted push ups with your chest being so far away from the ground. Real push ups requires our chest just 1-2inches off the ground.

Do that for a week, rest for a day to allow recovery. If u have dumbells or barbells at home, use them, to do biceps curls. Not too heavy, just enough to complete 3 sets of 12. That's not all though, if possible, do visit the gym, to do some back exercises using the lats machine. That will help u alot in the overhand grip chin up.

With a combination of all these 3 exercises, u should be able to do at least 1 chin up after a month. Once the egg us broken, everything will be much easier to move on from 1, to pass, and for gold!

Underhand grip
Basically, underhand training is much easier because it relies more on your bicep power. Thus doing alot of bicep curls is important, as well as push ups! With a mixture of both, they are able to boost your pulling power, and strength needed. Weight does play a part in determining if u are able to pull yourself up, if u are too heavy, try to lose some weight before attempting, and u will be in for a surprise!

Aiming for 6 or 12
Your training definitely is much more than plain push ups and visiting the gyms. By now, gym work is not really needed as u can rely on your body weight. If u are going for a pass (6) or gold (12), do this:
If your maximum is 3-4 for now, do as many sets of 2, taking a break of 90s between each set, till u can't pull anymore. Example:

2 chin ups, rest 90s - 1st set
2 chin ups, rest 90s - 2nd set
2 chin ups, rest 90s - 3rd set, and repeat till failure.

For gold, if your maximum is 9-10, do as many sets of 6, taking a break of 60-90s between each set. If possible, shorten your rest time, to build up endurance as well.

Do it for a week, with one day rest in between. By the start of next week, u should find yourself being able to increase the amount of pulls.

Hardcore ways
This method here will definitely boost your power because it's a combination of push and pull at the same time. Find a chin up bar anywhere and do the following:

2 push ups, then 1 chin up
4push ups, then 2 chin up
6 push ups, then 3 chin up
8 push ups, then 4 chin up
10 push ups, then 5 chin up
12 push ups, then 6 chin up

If u think it's easy, WAIT! All of the doings, have to be continuous without any break in between til u finish the whole process! Be it using overhand grip or reverse grip (underhand), it's ok. So long u keep the same kind of grip throughout the whole process.

When u are able to do it with either grips, try for both grips! When u are done with overhand, take a rest of 10-15mins, before proceeding to underhand!! If u are able to complete both, achieving gold is definitely not a problem for u!!

 Extreme ways
Of course there will be extreme ways, if not, why my blog name right? However, i wont be sharing it here, for it's my own secret, and it's more of a personal challenge for myself. Interested to know, contact me if u feel stagnant in your trainings!